Professional appointments & research grant-based activities
since 2023 PI at the CRC/SFB1372 „Magnetoreception and Navigation in Vertebrates”, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Research Group Fellow Postdoctoral scientist (100%) in the AG Animal Navigation/Neurosensorik, Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
2021 Postdoctoral scientist (100%), Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Research Group Fellow of the CRC/SFB1372 „Magnetoreception and Navigation in Vertebrates”
2019-2021 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at Bangor University, UK, Prof. Dr. Richard A. Holland
2015-2018 Elsa-Neumann-Stipend for disseration research, Freie Universität, Berlin
08-09 2014 Research Assistant (IZW), DFG project "Eco-physiology of migratory bats", Latvia
06 2014 Research Assistant (IZW), DFG project “Ecology of oxidative stress in bats”, Bulgaria
11-12 2012 Student resarch assistant (IZW), DFG project “Ecology of oxidative stress in bats”, Costa Rica
2010-2014 Different bat conservation related fieldwork projects with ecological consultants
Education, study of biology
2015-2019 Doctoral candidate, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) and Freie Universität, Berlin. Topic: Navigation and orientation in migratory bats. Dissertation defended publicly, with summa cum laude.
2011-2014 M.Sc., overall grade of 1.1, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. Final examination: „Migratory ecology of Nathusius’ bats (Pipistrellus nathusii) – Combination of classical field techniques and stable hydrogen isotope analysis.” Thesis defended publicly; with distinction.
2007-2011 B.Sc., MLU Halle-Wittenberg. Final examination thesis: „Body mass of the beaver (Castor fiber) - a comparative analysis of carcasses from the autochthonous population of Central Europe.” Thesis defended publicly; with distinction.
Teaching and education, outreach
since 2022 Experiments in Animal and Human Physiology (winter semester), lecturer for muscle physiology, UOL
2009-2013 Student assistant involved in teaching of species systematics and determination, Institute of Biology, MLU
Since 2014 Annually invited seminars on bat telemetry and its use in movement research. Telemetrie-Service Dessau
Professional roles and free services to the scientific community
Awards, honours, funding
2022 Project grant at the CRC/SFB1372 „Magnetoreception and Navigation in Vertebrates” (4yrs), GER
2022 BHK project grant
2019 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-doctoral fellowship (EU Horizon 2020)
2019 Fritz-Frank-Award German Society for Mammalian Biology
2015-2018 Doctoral stipend of the Elsa-Neumann program. Berlin, GER
2017 'Best Poster' award at the 5th International Berlin Bat Meeting
2012 Research support grant of the Society for Wildlife and Hunting Research (Germany) for thesis field work
2009 DAAD, undergraduate travel stipend for a joint Mongolian-German Biological Expedition