Peer-reviewed publications

[26] Walsh C, Hüppop O, Karwinkel T, Liedvogel T, Lindecke O, McLaren JD, Schmaljohann H, Siebenhüner. Light Pollution at Sea: Implications and Potential Hazards of Human Activity for Offshore Bird and Bat Movements in the Greater North Sea EcoEvoRxiv Preprint (2024). in review


[25] Schneider WT, Wynn J, Packmor F, Lindecke O, Holland RA. Reply to "Animal magnetic sensitivity and magnetic displacement experiments". Communications Biology 7: 651 (2024).  pdf


[24] Schneider WT, Holland RA, Keiss O, Lindecke OMigratory bats are sensitive to magnetic inclination changes during the compass calibration period. Biology Letters 19: 20230181 (2023) pdf ResearchGate


[23] Voigt CC, Kionka J, Koblitz JC, Stilz PC, Pētersons G, Lindecke OBidirectional movements of Nathusius' pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus nathusii) during autumn at a major migration corridor. Global Ecology and Conservation 48: e02695 (2023). pdf


[22] Schneider WT, Packmor F, Lindecke O*, Holland RA*. Sense of doubt: Inaccurate and alternate locations of virtual magnetic displacements may give a distorted view of animal magnetoreception ability. Communications Biology 6: 187 (2023). *senior authors  pdf  + suppl pdf 


[21] Schneider WT, Holland RA, Lindecke OOver 50 years of behavioural evidence on the magnetic sense in animals - What has been learnt and how? The European Physical Journal Special Topics 232: 269-278 (2023)pdf


[20] Marggraf LC, Lindecke O, Voigt CC, Pētersons G, Voigt-Heucke SLNathusius' bats, Pipistrellus nathusii, bypass mating opportunities of their own species, but respond to foraging heterospecifics on migratory transit flightsFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 908560 (2023). pdf 


[19] Kruszynski C, Bailey L, *Bach L, *Bach P, *Göttsche M, *Fritze M, *Lindecke O, *Teige T, Voigt CC. High vulnerability of juvenile Nathusius' pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus nathusii) at wind turbinesEcological Applications 32: e2513 (2022). pdf *listed alphabetically 


[18] Lindecke O, Holland RA, Pētersons G, Voigt CC. Corneal sensitivity is required for orientation in free-flying migratory batsCommunications Biology 4: 522 (2021). pdf


[17] Schabacker T, Lindecke O, Rizzi S, Marggraf L, Pētersons G, Voigt CC, Snijders L. In situ novel environment assay reveals acoustic exploration as a repeatable behavioral response in migratory batsScientific Reports 11: 8174  (2021). pdf


[16] Kruszynski C, Bailey L, Courtiol A, *Bach L, *Bach P, *Göttsche Ma, *Göttsche Mi, *Hill R, *Lindecke O, *Matthes H, *Pommeranz H, *Seebens-Hoyer A, Voigt CC. Identifying migratory pathways of Nathusius' pipistrelles (Pipistrellus nathusii) using stable hydrogen and strontium isotopesRapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 35: e9031 (2021). *listed alphabetically pdf


[15] Lindecke O, Currie S, Fasel NJ, Fritze M, Kravchenko K, Kruzsynski de Assis C, Lehnert LS, Roeleke M, Voigt-Heucke S, Voigt CC. Common noctule (Nyctalus noctula). In: Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. (eds. Hackländer K, Zachos FE). SpringerNature (2020). pdf


[14] Voigt CC, Fritze M, Lindecke O, Costantini D, Pētersons G, Czirják G. The immune response of bats differs between pre-migration and migration seasons. Scientific Reports 10: 17384 (2020). pdf ResearchGate


[13] Fritze M, Lehnert LS, Heim O, Lindecke O, Roeleke M, Voigt CC. Wind turbine projects and bat conservation: What do experts demand to solve the green-green dilemma? In: Evidenzbasierter Fledermausschutz in Windkraftvorhaben. (ed. Voigt, C.C.). Springer Spektrum (2020). pdf


[12] Voigt CC, Roeleke M, Heim O, Lehnert LS, Fritze M, Lindecke O. Expert evaluations of methods used for monitoring bats during wind turbine projects. In: Evidenzbasierter Fledermausschutz in Windkraftvorhaben. (ed. Voigt, C.C.). Springer Spektrum (2020).pdf


[11] Kontschán J, Hornok S, Lindecke O. Bizarre egg-clusters of Notoedres sp. mites (Acari: Sarcoptidae) on the wings of a cave roosting molossid bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in Southeast Asia. International Journal of Acarology 48: 652-654 (2020). pdf | ResearchGate


[10] Lindecke O, Elksne A, Holland RA, Pētersons G, Voigt CC. Experienced migratory bats integrate the sun's position at dusk for navigation at nightCurrent Biology 29: 1369-1373.e3 (2019). pdf incl. supplement | ResearchGate


[9] Lindecke O, Elksne A, Holland RA, Pētersons G, Voigt CC. Orientation and flight behaviour identify the Soprano pipistrelle as a migratory bat species at the Baltic Sea coastJournal of Zoology 308: 56-65 (2019). pdf | ResearchGate


[8] Costantini D, Lindecke O, Pētersons G, Voigt CC. Migratory flight imposes oxidative stress in batsCurrent Zoology 65: 147-153 (2018). pdf | ResearchGate


[7] Voigt CC, Rehnig K, Lindecke O, Pētersons G. Migratory bats are attracted by red light but not by warm-white light: Implications for the protection of nocturnal migrantsEcology & Evolution 8: 9353-9361 (2018). pdf ResearchGate


[6] Voigt CC, Currie SE, Fritze M, Roeleke M, Lindecke O. Conservation strategies for bats flying at high altitudesBioScience 68: 427-435 (2018). pdf | ResearchGate


[5] Weise P, Czirjak GA, Lindecke O, Bumrungsri S, Voigt CC. Simulated bacterial infection disrupts the circadian fluctuation of immune cells in wrinkle-lipped bats (Chaerephon plicatus)PeerJ 5: e3570 (2017). pdf ResearchGate


[4] Voigt CC, Lindecke O, Schönborn S, Kramer-Schadt S, Lehmann D. Habitat use of migratory bats killed during autumn at wind turbinesEcological Applications 26: 771-783 (2016). pdf | ResearchGate


[3] Lindecke O, Voigt CC, Pētersons G, Holland RA. Polarized skylight does not calibrate the compass system of a migratory batBiology Letters 11: 20150525 (2015). pdf ResearchGate


[2] Lehnert LS, Kramer-Schadt S, Schönborn S, Lindecke O, Niermann I, Voigt CC. Wind farm facilities in Germany kill noctule bats from near and far. PLoS ONE 9: e103106 (2014). pdf ResearchGate


[1] Lindecke O & Scheffler I. Ectoparasites of bats in Saxony-AnhaltHercynia N.F. 44: 241-251 (2011). pdf ResearchGate

Book chapters

[03] Lindecke O, Currie S, Fasel NJ, Fritze M, Kravchenko K, Kruzsynski de Assis C, Lehnert L, Roeleke M, Voigt-Heucke S, Voigt CC (2020) Common noctule (Nyctalus noctula). In: Handbook of the Mammals of Europe (eds. Hackländer K, Zachos FE). SpringerNature. (pdf

[02] Fritze M, Lehnert LS, Heim O, Lindecke O, Roeleke M, Voigt CC (2020) Wind turbine projects and bat conservation: What do experts demand to solve the green-green dilemma? In: Evidenzbasierter Fledermausschutz in Windkraftvorhaben (Hrsg. Voigt, C.C.) Springer Spektrum.

[01] Voigt CC, Roeleke M, Heim O, Lehnert LS, Fritze M, Lindecke O (2020) Expert evaluations of methods used for monitoring bats during wind turbine projects. In: Evidenzbasierter Fledermausschutz in Windkraftvorhaben (ed. Voigt, C.C.) Springer Spektrum.


[5] Walsh C, Hüppop O, Karwinkel T, Liedvogel T, Lindecke O, McLaren JD, Schmaljohann H, Siebenhüner. Light Pollution at Sea: Implications and Potential Hazards of Human Activity for Offshore Bird and Bat Movements in the Greater North Sea. Preprint (2024). 


[4] Pakhomov A, Jansons R, Shapoval N, Cellarius F, Shapoval A, Lindecke O. Orientation tests and long-term movement phenology establish the red admiral Vanessa atalanta as an applicable model for navigation research in migratory butterflies. bioRxiv PDF 2023.


[3] Schneider WT, Holland RA, Keiss O, Lindecke OMigratory bats are sensitive to magnetic inclination during compass calibration. bioRxiv pdf 2023 (reviewed & published in Biol. Lett.)  


[2] Marggraf LC, Lindecke O, Voigt CC, Pētersons G, Voigt-Heucke SLA playback paradox? Nathusius' bats, Pipistrellus nathusii, bypass mating and fueling opportunities on migratory transit flights. bioRxiv pdf 2022 (reviewed &  published in Front. Ecol. Evol.)


[1] Schabacker T, Lindecke O, Rizzi S, Marggraf L, Pētersons G, Voigt CC, Snijders L. In situ novel environment assay reveals acoustic exploration as a repeatable behavioral response in migratory bats. bioRxiv pdf 2021 (reviewed & published in Sci. Rep.)

Other publications (selected)

Fritze M, Lehnert LS, Heim O, Lindecke O, Roeleke M, Voigt CC (2019) Bat conservation in the shadow of windturbines -

Germany's experts miss transparency and nationwide standards in approval procedures. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege 51.


Lindecke O & Marggraf LC (2018) Stonemarten as an opportunistic predator in a bat maternity roost (Myotis brandtii, Pipistrellus nathusii et pygmaeus). Beitr. Jagd- u. Wildforsch. 43, 433-436.


Hargreaves D, Jahelkova H, Lindecke O, Reiter G (2015) Nathusius' pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii). BatLife EUROPE, Bat Species of the Year. link


Lindecke O & Wall M (2015) The lobed spider on its most eastern distribution - Argiope lobata (Pallas, 1772) as a first record for the subfamily Argiopinae (Araneidae) in Mongolia. Biodiversity Research in Mongolia Vol. XIII link


Stubbe M, Batsajchan NLindecke O, Samjaa R, Stubbe A (2015) New data on the feeding ecology of Eagle-owls (Bubo bubo) and Long-eared owls (Asio otus) in Mongolia. Biodiversity Research in Mongolia Vol. XIII link

Communications (selected)

"Beyond the range of echolocation - Disentangling essential senses for long-distance navigation of bats",  poster @ 5th Int. Berlin Bat Meeting, 2017 *Award for Best Poster*


"Take-off with bats: Navigational cues for mammal migrations revealed by experimental displacements and tracking of pipistrelles", talk @ ASAB Winter Meeting, London, 2016


"The role of polarised skylight for calibration of the compass system in bats", talk @ 10th Int. Conf. on Behav., Physiol. & Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin, 2015


"Radiotelemetrie als Werkzeug zur Erforschung tierischer Navigationsleistungen", talk @ Telemetrie-Seminar, Bad Lausick, 2015/2016/2017


"Do opposites attract? Disassortative grouping in harems of Nathusius' bats during autumn migration", poster @ 4th International Berlin Bat Meeting, 2015